New Year’s Resolution: Build Customer Loyalty

2015 GraphicWe’ve made some New Year’s resolutions to refocus ourselves on great customer service in 2015.

Here is our list…feel free to make it yours, too:

  • Really take the time to listen to your clients.

When clients are speaking with you, really pay attention and listen to what they are saying. Do they have a problem you can help them solve? Do they need something or do they just need direction? This information will help you cater to exactly what the client needs and why they came to you in the first place. If your client isn’t offering up this information, ask a few gentle, open-ended questions to coax the information out of them. A salesperson has the best chance of increasing the sale after they have listened to their customer’s needs.

  • Offer them valuable information.

Giving away some information is a way to build loyalty. After you’ve heard your clients’ needs, offer information and tips about what actually brought them into your place of business. When talking about products and how to use them, it is wonderful if you can give first-hand advice with “I’ve used this item, it works great (or not so great) for what you need because….,” as customers perceive that as a testimonial, which is valuable to them and not someone just trying to make a sale.

Giving away information establishes you as an expert, a reliable source of information, and knowledgeable associates who help customers solve their problems are remembered more often that a place where a random widget is bought. When the customer is thinking about their next purchase, they will likely recall the place that gave them great advice, and return for the same service.

Let the customer know if you offer product trainings or demonstrations in your place of business; it’s another great way to give away information and build customer loyalty.

  • Pay attention to their needs and wants to get the up-sale.

After hearing about their needs, pay attention to their wants, or opportunities for products that they may want in the future. When a customer is looking for something, suggest a new item or an updated model. As the transaction is nearing the end, mention something to give the customer a reason to come back, such as a workshop, demonstration or a new product coming in.

  • Introduce them to a new service or product.

Who doesn’t love the newest gadgets? Showing customers you are on the cutting edge reinforces that you are worth coming back to.

  • Thank them for their business and loyalty.

Thanking a customer is the easiest way to build loyalty. Saying “thank you, I appreciate you coming in or calling today,” goes a long way. If someone makes a particularly large purchase or contract, a handwritten note reinforces that you are willing to go the extra mile.

If a customer refers someone to you, make sure to thank the person that gave the referral. “I’m so flattered you referred so-and-so to us, thank you.” This exchange is another opportunity to connect with your original client.

Mom was right when she reminded you that manners never go out of style.

Have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year from the CMA Crew!

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