Pinterest – A Brand New Marketing Tool

pinterest for businessPictures of do-it-yourself weddings, seasonal outfits, clever quotes and extraordinary travel destinations on Pinterest are serving the social-media-savvy as more than just a ‘build-it-yourself dream life.’ Booming in popularity and climbing its way to the third most popular social media site, Pinterest is becoming one of the most interesting new marketing tools that is overlooked by many.

While the majority of content “pinned,” appears to be on the lighter side of things, there are many hidden ins and outs that companies can use to drive interest to their business.

A Few [P]ins and Out’s of Pinterest

Increase the online presence of your business. Showcasing new products, services or even client campaigns allows fellow ‘pinners’ to click-through the image to a specified link. While the purpose is not to serve as an online-store for companies, the site can drive prospective customers and clients back to the businesses website, all while reaching a new audience.

Add a ‘Pin It’ icon to your other sites. In addition to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, Pinterest now offers a ‘Pin It’ icon that you can add to your other social media and business websites.  This allows other users the quick and easy option to ‘pin’ an interesting image to their own online pinboard and share it with their virtual circle of friends and followers on Pinterest.

Network in a different way—with different people. While a company’s Pinterest boards are typically tailored to the confines of the industry, there are certain images that allow companies and potential clients to form professional relationships that would not usually derive through other sites. Pinterest gives users access to unique facts, images, quotes and information that can serve as a conversation starter and springboard to a new company-client relationship.

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One Response to Pinterest – A Brand New Marketing Tool

  1. forums says:

    I really enjoyed this post

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