How Summer Vibes Can Enrich Your Company

The common notion—“we act the way we feel” is a concept that has earned its buy-in over time, for the sheer and simple reason that it often rings true. Commonly proven during the feel-good summer months of July and August, it is wise for management to capitalize on the concept’s prevalence and use the stress-free, rejuvenated and open-minded feelings to the company’s advantage.

Check out three examples of how the summer’s most common vibes can enhance your company.

1. When we feel stress-free, we are spirited.

Capitalizing on the inherent stress-be-gone feeling the warm weather often brings, can lead to a spirit boost from your staff.  When spirits are high, workplace moral has an opportunity to soar through increased collaboration, team-building and motivation.

 2. When we feel rejuvenated, we are innovative.

With plenty of vitamin-D and fresh air filtering through veins of your team, feelings of rejuvenation are sure to surface, leading to heightened creativity and innovation. Capitalize on the extra time the slower summer months bring and put this innovation to work for your company and its clients!

 3. When we feel open-minded, we are ahead-of-the-game.

Staying on the brink of cutting-edge trends and remaining at the forefront of the “next-big-thing” is crucial in today’s rapid environment. Fortunately, when the open summer seas remind us to also expand our minds, we are able to think outside the box and become a trend-setter in the marketplace.

What summer-sensations is your company capitalizing on?

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