3 Types of People All Business Leaders Will Thank, This Year

Thanksgiving is approaching and as always, this time of year lends itself to reflecting on the individuals in our lives we are most grateful for. Family, is a given for most, but for any business leader, there is another type of family to be grateful for—the work-family. 

The bond business leaders share with the individuals that primarily support them in the workplace can become very synergistic. The caveat, however, to building a strong work-family is having the courage to make strategic decisions up-front that will ensure the people you choose, are the right ones.  

A business-savvy mind that is harnessed on reaching peak success will not be afraid to surround itself with people who…

1. Have more experience.

The decision to bring someone on-board that has more experience than you may seem unsettling, for fear of losing or competing for your stately status. A confident business leader, however, will not let their own self-regard trump their commitment to continuous improvement and success. Accepting that there are other’s whose knowledge threshold may expand beyond that of your own is a key ingredient to feeding the growth and prowess of the company.  

2. Have the guts to challenge ideas.

A common misconception in business is assuming that those who constantly agree with you are the people you should be surrounded by. While there is something to be said for synergy, there is another thing to be said (maybe something even more valuable) for those who inherently play devils-advocate. These individuals are the ones who will help push business forward, by refusing to believe that the first idea is the best and/or only option.  

3. Have a radically different way of thinking.

When an off-beat individual joins a company that has successfully operated in a certain way for years, he or she may come off a bit eccentric and thus have their ideas passed over by office peers. This individual’s perspective however, may bring a fresh and exciting angle to the company that when given a fair chance, could take the company from successful to renowned.

This year, observe which members of your work-family you are most thankful for. Is it those who nod their head “yes” to everything you say? Or is it those who challenge your business propensity and defy the status-quo?

I bet I can take an educated guess.

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